Comments on Submission #112

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bunny's Avatar
bunny Staff Member

This cat doesn't seem impressed by Bloodstone's Wisdom...

You may:

  • Use catnip or draw/write this interaction to get this cat to join you anyway. (Required minimum sketched full bodies of Bloodstone and the Stranger or 200 Words. Should be recognizable as the description but can be changed when submitting for a design later.)
  • Take a consolation prize of 8 Pawprints...

2024-07-23 23:40:18 (Edited 2024-07-23 23:40:35)

BloodRedKit's Avatar

Hoping this counts, let me know if i need to fix anything


2024-07-24 16:33:15

bunny's Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Assured that Bloodstone won't attack them, the injured stranger approaches and ultimately decides to join the Delvers.

2024-07-25 19:43:19