Honeyweed knows xe is hardly a fighter, and xe knows that this stranger is reacting out of fearful loneliness. Meeting aggression with aggression is bound to spell a messy end; and so, xe flops down before the cat, demonstrating xemself as being less than a threat.
bunny Staff Member
Honeyweed knows xe is hardly a fighter, and xe knows that this stranger is reacting out of fearful loneliness. Meeting aggression with aggression is bound to spell a messy end; and so, xe flops down before the cat, demonstrating xemself as being less than a threat.
That seems to be convincing enough.
2024-06-30 23:02:12
Feature Comment
aradium Staff Member
Confused, loud, but somehow convinced, the stranger agrees to come with. A few puffs are given for the road.
2024-07-02 13:41:43 (Edited 2024-07-02 13:41:59)
Feature Comment