Comments on Submission #71

bunny's Avatar
bunny Staff Member

Aether ran into a strange cat trespassing on the territory. The energetic cat appears to be a red mackerel tabby shorthair sire...

Does Aether...
  • Chase off the trespasser? +10 Loyalty, 20 Pawprints
  • Let the trespasser go? -5 Loyalty, +Random Item
  • Try to convince them to join! Select a stat or use an item.

(Minor staff note— I know you meant for this to be a Scouting roll, but make sure you comment on the submission to indicate which "S" you're rolling in future rolls! :3)

2024-06-21 01:33:38 (Edited 2024-06-21 01:33:58)

JayTheBird's Avatar

(Got it, sorry about that!)

  • Try to convince them to join! Wisdom

2024-06-22 00:58:15

bunny's Avatar
bunny Staff Member

You've convinced the strange cat to join you!

2024-06-22 04:00:11