171: Creek
Summary: Creek is a sturdy-built, long and thick-furred cyan silver marbled tabby tom with a manx bobtail and yellow eyes. He is the current and founding Shadestep of the Tribe of the Shaded Mount, serving as Shred's close friend and advisor. He is a quiet, serious cat who tends to be quite blunt and honest, and is loyal to his Tribe.
True Name: Frozen Creek in Winter
Creek was born on the streets of some nameless town, feeding himself from whatever scraps humans threw out and learning from his mother how to dodge between cars and avoid detection. It was rare that she spoke of the Ancient Tribe, and yet she still educated him on it, on the legacy they came from.
More often than not, he wrote these off as bedtime stories, especially as he grew older. Mere legend passed down from elder to parent to kit. At least, he did until a Night Shade appeared in his dreams and began to teach him the way of the wilderness, began to teach him more the Tribe.
Then, when he was old enough to travel on his own and understood how to hunt and fight, he was led from the town he knew into the wild. During his journey, he met Shred, and the duo would later meet Sunlight in the foothills of the Shaded Mount, both mollies chosen by the Shades just as he had been.
As they settled into and explored the territory they'd been led to, the trio discovered the cave system that would soon become the camp for the Tribe of the Shaded Mount. It was here that the First Shades appeared to them. Creek was granted his true name, Frozen Creek in Winter, and appointed as the first Shadestep of the reborn Tribe of the Shaded Mount, second in position only to Shred. It was a duty he accepted readily and willingly, head held high.
Personality: Creek is a quiet, almost reserved tom who would just as much prefer to spend his time alone or with his friends than with other cats. That, however, doesn't deter him from fulfilling his duties to the fullest, and he can often be found organizing patrols or discussing Tribe matters with Shred as well as leading patrols. In conversation, he tends to tell things as he sees them and doesn't hold much back, preferring bluntness to any sort of fancy wording or mind games. He wouldn't hesitate to die, or kill, for the Tribe.
NOTE: These cats are Creek's family within his lore, however do not exist within New Paths!
Dam: Unnamed Blue Silver Braided Tabby Molly (Status Unknown; Mother)
Genetics: XOᴮXOᴮ+DdDmᶜdm+Ll+AA+McmcBmBmWbWbInin
Sire: Unknown
Genetic Speculation: Carries or has dilute, long-hair, tabby agouti, mackeral tabby, bengal modifier, silver, and manx tail. Cannot have wideband .
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