168: Shred
Summary: Shred is a gray and cream calico molly with green eyes. She is the current and founding Shadevoice of the Tribe of the Shaded Mount. She is extremely loyal to her Tribe, and fiercely protective over those under her command. She can often come off as strict and cold, with a reputation for being merciless in a fight, however when not acting as a leader, she is often much gentler and even kind.
True Name: Shredded Past
Shred was born as a loner far from the mountain she now calls home, and was raised by her parents alongside her littermates. Growing up, she was often told stories passed down through her family of the Ancient Tribe and the Forsaken Ones, along with the promise that one day they would be guided back to their homeland and would rule the Shaded Mount once more.
While she had never been one to doubt the truthfulness behind it, Shred also never believed that the promise would come to fruition in her lifetime, instead dedicating her time to learning to hunt by watching her parents and exploring the wilderness around her.
And then, a Night Shade visited her dreams, began to train her and tell her more about what it meant to be part of the Tribe. When she was old enough and ready, they guided her paws away from her family and the life she'd known all the way to the Shaded Mount. It was during this journey that she met Creek, a tom also chosen by the Shades to refound the Tribe with her, and among the foothills they would meet Sunlight, a molly with a talent for healing who had been guided to join them.
The trio eventually found their way to the Ancient Tribe's territory, the place they would soon claim as their own for the Tribe once more. It was there, after they'd found the cave that would become the Tribe's camp, that they were granted their true names. Shred was granted the name of Shredded Past, for it was under her leadership that the mistakes of the past would finally be forgiven and rectified, and she was placed as the first Shadevoice of the Tribe of the Shaded Mount.
Personality: Shred is a practical molly who is loyal to her Tribe above all else, willing to protect them at any cost. To outsiders, she is often cold and distant, assessing them before making any decisions on whether they are allowed to stay or not. Even to members of the Tribe, she can come off as strict and detached, however one doesn't have to look much farther than her interactions to see that this is only present when she is having to make a decision as a leader. In general, when interacting with the members of the Tribe, she is gentle and kind, willing to listen to their concerns and do her best to assist how she can.
NOTE: These cats are Shred's family within her lore, however do not exist within New Paths!
Dam: Unnamed Red/Blue Tortie & White Molly (Status Unknown; Mother)
Genetics: XOᴿXOᴮ+Dd+Wsw+LL+aa+Mcmc
Sire: Unnamed Black & White Tom (Status Unknown; Father)
Genetics: XoY+Dd+Wsw+LL+aa+McMcBmbm
Boulder: Thick-furred Blue Tom (Status Unknown; Brother)
Flicker: Tiny Blue/Black Tortie & White Molly (Status Unknown; Sister)
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