Wild Strays

For every cat that has a clowder, there is another cat that walks their own path. The cats that can be found here have been rejected or exiled by other clowders... Perhaps you can convince them to join you.

Cats that are in the Wild for an extended period of time may have their costs reduced. Cats that come with a pre-existing reference can be redesigned once for free.



Exiling a cat offers the following rewards, depending on if they have an approved design, are higher levels, have completed milestones, or not:

Basic Geno Slot 30 Pawprints
Basic Cat (with reference) 45 Pawprints
Per Additional Level +10 Pawprints
Per Milestone +50 Pawprints
Per Storied Gene +2 Stardust
Per Carried Storied Gene +1 Stardust



Recruitment Fee:
50 Pawprints

008: Chryseos

Recruitment Fee:
85 Pawprints

041: Lucky Spark

Recruitment Fee:
145 Pawprints

121: Avaritia

Recruitment Fee:
145 Pawprints

170: Skipper

Recruitment Fee:
75 Pawprints